Thursday, May 22, 2008

A New Relational Rage

It's all the rage! Everyone is doing it! Well over half of you have experienced it, and 7 in 10 think it's acceptable. Some are even touting the benefits to the economy. Wow, it must really be something worth checking out!

A new Gallup poll released last week, reflects a culture that doesn't know or doesn't care about the words of Jesus. The poll reflects a "Christian" culture that asserts self above family. It asserts comfort over godliness. You can read the report for yourself, but I warn you "don't try this at home". It's Gallup's new poll on Tolerance for Divorce.

I've been in the youth meetings where half the teens were crying there eyes out. I've seen the pain and drama of living in a divided world. I've seen the confusion of having two homes; having a Disney Land dad and an appeasing mom. I've seen the heart ache of X-husband relationships. I've heard the excuses for not working it out. I've seen the invisible enemies that destroyed what God had joined together.

I have one word for you, "REPENT"! The Christian church in America has trampled the Word of God. The Christian church has tolerated divorced for the wrong reasons, and shamed the grace of God. Even the famed conservative Ronald Reagan ushered in the age of "no-fault" divorce in 1970.


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